martes, 14 de enero de 2020


moder age 5º videos resumen

Test de completar


moder age  XVII - XVIII

REMEMBER THE MODERN AGE extended from the discovery of the Americas until the French Revolution.
There were nations with kings, ministers and nobility. There were lots of advances in ships, navigation and maps which allowed for the exploration of the world. Some important facts: - New products came from different parts of the world. - Banking was created. - Science was developed: the microscope and telescope were invented. - The French Revolution finished the reign of kings in France.

1. Which king conquered Portugal in 1580?
2.When Columbus descobered Ämérica?
3. Which new products did we find in America?
4. Who established the Spanish Inquisitión?
5. How did Felipe II pay for expensive wars?
6. Who ruled in Spain before the end of Middle Age?
7. Write the name of the kings of Spain in Moder Age by order.
8. How do you think people travelled to different continents in the 15th and 16th centuries?
9.  What happen between Catholic Monarchs´and he religion?
10. What was life like for muslims and jews before 1492?
11. Who found a new route to Asia?
12. Whas goods did Spain import from Asia?  And what goods did Spain import from America?
13. What is Renaissance?
14. Write 3 thing important in Carlos I ruled? and 3 in Felipe II?
page 33 of book

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